Friday, July 29, 2011

my love hate relationship with payday

i love payday.
for about 2 seconds.
i love to see the money in the account..
and then poof!
its gone. 
and then, 
i hate payday.

went to target today for like less than 10 things.
spend $50.
i mean really?
then to the commissary only to spend like $100 more.
and then home to pay bills.
ew, bills.
now we have a whole 2 weeks to go before i can sorta love payday again.
depressing, yes?
i think so too.

on a happier note,
i got cayleb a "cars" potty chair today
and im so super excited about it.
most likely way more excited than he is.
so we shall see how that one goes.

and then this morning cayleb woke up after aubrey did,
came downstairs and when he saw her
he said,
"oh hi bobby"
i thought it was really cute.
and when shes doin something shes not supposed to do
he says,
"bobby! NOOO!!!!"
makes my day how adorable they are :)

and thats all!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

my very first blog:)

first things first.
you should know:
1. i don't use capitalization when i type.
not because i don't know how, but because i just dont feel like it :)

2. i am a smiley using girl. 
i think they let people know that i have a "happy tone" when i'm typing.

3. i have never blogged before, 
so please forgive me if its super boring and dumb.

well, now that we have that out of the way,
i guess we can get started :)

i guess i can start this blog off with a little bio if you will :)

i am a 24 year old who looks like a 16 year old.
i get a lot of dirty looks for older women when i am out in public with my children.
personally, i find it amusing at how judgmental people can be.
i am super blessed to be able to be a stay at home mommy.
i love being home with my kids everyday.
i love playing susie homemaker and cleaning and cooking.
i like my husband to be able to come to home to a clean house and yummy dinner every night.
speaking of my hubby,
hes in the army (obviously)
and he has been in for about 3 1/2 years now.
we love it really.
its hard being away from family and familiarity but all in all its a blessing.
james (my hubby) is a 68 whiskey.
he is a medic and he works at the hospital here on post. 
hes really amazing at his job and we are definitely going to be a career army family.
though i love the army life..
i am definitely not your typical army wife. 
i dont do fundraisers or bake sales or outings to meet other wives..
its just not my thing. 
not that im all anti-people or anything.
im just really shy and i dont have that "hooah" personality.
but i truly admire the army wives out there who are serious go getters.
im not a germaphobe (sp?) 
or a lover of organic things or cloth diapering.
but, i do recycle.
i am a florida girl born and semi raised
and i miss home a LOT.
well, thats probly a lie.
mostly i just miss my mom and a few choice people.
florida holds a lot of drama that i would just rather avoid.
as of late, i have been interested in going to cosmetology school.
but its looking like this isnt the right time for me to go.
but maybe after the first of the year, things will be different.
as for my children,
i just love them more than anything.
my oldest, cayleb, has so much personality and hes only 2.
and he cannot stand it if he thinks hes in trouble..
just breaks his heart. 
and my sweet girl aubrey is just 8 months old,
but thinks shes a princess.
she is a definite diva but a wonderful baby,
and i cant wait to see how she changes and grows.

well, i guess thats about it for now.
i dont really know what to say in these things but, 
i think that was a good start :)