Monday, August 1, 2011

oh monday

well folks,
its monday again.
which means its the start of another long week. 
this morning ive already vacuumed and mopped.
now i have to wash aubreys bottles
and figure out what to make my kiddies for lunch.
then who knows.
i thought about going to the pool,
but sometimes its just so much effort.
i mean, 
not only do i have to get the kids ready,
but i have to get all of their stuff in a bag
and pack snacks.
then when we get there its just me keepin up with 2.
and then trying to leave is even more of a hassle.
thats mostly my fault though
because i like to change them out of their suits 
in case they fall asleep in the car on the way home.
and 90% of the time thats what happens.
so i havent quite decided yet if i'm up for the pool today.
as of now im sitting here blogging
and cayleb is watching cars
(so the floor can dry)
and aubrey is sleeping.
ive yet to figure out what im gonna make for dinner tonight.
thats always my least favorite part.
i get tired of making the same things over and over again.
honestly, if i had it my way
we would go out to eat every night for dinner.
i love to go out to dinner.
definitely my favorite thing to spend money on.
but alas, we cant do that very often.

oh james' birthday is this saturday.
still trying to figure out what we are gonna do.

maybe i'll figure out how to spice up my blog a little.
cuz i still dont know what im doin.
so, until next time..
by yall :)

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