Tuesday, September 6, 2011

lessons learned

over the past few months,
i have learned a lot about a lot.
i started becoming a person i dont want to be.
i let someone else influence my
actions, vocabulary, friendships.
i honestly dont know why.
regardless of why though,
i am ashamed of who i was becoming.
i have been bearing a lot of weight on my shoulders.
other peoples drama, stress, problems.
and it took me far to long to realize
that i have a life of my own.
and as much as i wanted to just be
a "good friend,"
i was hurting not only myself,
but others who were around me.
today i finally made the realization
that i cant do this anymore.
i cant let one person who really,
is just a glorified bully
bring me down anymore.
its not worth it.
its hurting me and my family and my life.
my stomach has literally been in knots
all day long.
and i am to the point where i would just love
to be able to move far, far FAR away from here.
women are cruel.
2 faced.
and i am tired of being associated
with such crazy people.
i just want to have good friends
who appreciate and respect me.
who dont have to put me down
to make themselves feel better.
i am by no means a perfect person.
or friend.
or wife.
or anything.
but unlike some people,
i have compassion,
and a kind heart,
and i am forgiving of others.
i definitely have learned
a very valuable lesson through all of this.
and i will take it with me 
for the rest of my life,
and especially the rest of my time as
a military wife.